See It to Achieve It

The Lens of Faith

There are times when life doesn’t align with the dreams and aspirations in your heart. That’s where faith comes in—it allows you to see beyond what is visible and helps you turn intangible dreams into tangible reality. Contrary to popular belief, faith is not blind; it is the lens that enables you to see life more clearly and gives substance to what you hope for (Hebrews 11:1).

Some say that seeing is believing, but faith simply means believing is seeing. If humanity had always waited to see something before believing it was possible, many of the world’s greatest achievements would never have happened. With that attitude, we wouldn’t have landed on the moon, because no one had ever seen it done before. If we had relied only on what was visible with the naked eye, we wouldn’t have discovered gravity, electricity, new galaxies or the microscopic world of atoms.

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is a powerful gift. Every great invention, masterpiece, and story first existed as an imagination in someone’s mind before it became a reality. The same way you use your imagination to worry and play out negative scenarios, you can use it to envision success and breakthroughs. The difference is that positive imagination operates at a higher frequency—one of faith, not fear. Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, start imagining what could go right.

When you see something on TV that you don’t like, you can either leave it to keep playing or change it to something else. In the same way, if you don’t like the images playing in your mind, if they don’t align with the future you want, you can change them. You have the power to direct your thoughts and create a new mental picture—one that reflects what you are believing for.

Faith Leads to Action

You can’t expect success while preparing for failure. Your actions must align with your faith (James 2:17). Athletes train for the gold medal before they ever win it. If it helps, keep reminders of your goals in front of you —quotes, images or anything that fuels your motivation to keep going. What you consistently see and focus on will shape your future.

Your greatest achievements start with you seeing it, imagining it and aligning your actions with it. What you believe and act upon today will determine the reality you step into tomorrow.

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